Sunrise from my front veranda {looking towards the city}
Cherry Blossom { its has only ever gotten a couple of handfuls of fruit}
Fuzzy Green Apricots
Dark Pink Climbing Rose
Sunny Yellows {dont know what they are but they close at night}
Freshia's in the grass
Wax Flower
Small Japanese Maple
Arum Lilly in the damp shady side of the house
Large Japanese Maple shading the veranda & stairs
these 3 are Helleboure's they are all from the same plant, the flowers grow facing down
these Freshia's pop up every where
Heartsease like a tiny pansy
i dont know what flowering fruit tree this is
Daisy with a purple centre
Purple Wisteria
Gravillia, it is full of flowers & there are quite a few New Holland Honeyeaters flitting in & out
another flowering fruit tree
this Waratah in my front yard is tall & spindly but it has 6 big flower heads on it
Daphne, has a beautiful perfume
Jasmin on the wire fence, i lov the perfume from these, i always have a piece pinned to me
in a light breeze there were a shower of white petals fluttering down around me