Friday, July 17, 2009

Concrete Laundry Tub

Down beside the shed we found a single concrete laundry tub &
the legs were under the house.
we have been renovating our laundry {before & after pics to come later}
& i was going to use it in there but thought it would look great out in the yard.
we have put it down at the bottom tap near the chook yard
very convenient for washing out water & food bowls.

the legs are buried part of the way so the sink
would fit under the tap & to give it stability

sink on, perfect height
dont ya just lov the Green inside the tub

next we layed stand stone pavers
i have been carrying these around for years,
it is great to see some have found a home

i also planted some violets in between the stone.

Finished :o)
today i will pick up some pipe so i can run the water from the waste
to the large Daphne bush pictured behind the tub


earthmotherwithin said...

That is a beautiful tub! And it will be so handy in the garden. Well done!

Anne said...

Wonderful idea :)
I have a double tub that I acquired ;) from a previous rental property. It was in the back corner full of rubbish. I cleaned it out and used it as a herb tub. The landlord didn't care - it was rubbish to him.

It has moved around with us for the last 4 years. One day when I'm settled and buy our own house, I'm going to mosaic it. No point now - it would only get ruined when we move.

Mandy's Pink Home said...

Love it!!!so practical yet looks great.

Chris said...

Very spiffy creation there. Gotta love those scraps we seem to cart around forever, and then find the perfect use for later. :)

Great work guys!

greenfumb said...

Hi Nicole,
missing you and wondering what you're up to. Busy with the new house still I suppose.
x Deb

Linda said...


My Mum put hers in the garden, it was a twin and the parsley grew really well in it.