Monday, October 10, 2011

Veggie Garden

with no work i have plenty of time to get things done, esp all the things that keep getting put off
yesterday A' & i finally finished off the fencing around the veggie yard now miss Sally girl cant get in well fingers crossed.
i pretty much worked all day 9 till 4.30, needless to say i am a little tired now.

first up i built a trellis well not first as i had to cut the branches first & play tug of war with Sally Girl, she loves it when we prune the trees. sooo much fun to be had.

bed #1 is half purple beans & half yellow zucchini & down the centre because it likes shade is 2 rows of english spinach.
bed #2 is two types of beetroot
bed #3 is spring onions then globe onions & at the end is bok choy

bed #8 along the fence was just a huge pile of dirt that i moved today & is now home to sunflowers along the back. at the right hand end are 3 types of carrots, then 2 types of cucumber that will climb the flower stalks as well as attach to the wire fence & right at the end are the only 2 strawberry plants that are left after Miss Sally got a hold of them.
there are 3 trees in front of bed #8 a fig, peach & a lemon.


Tipper said...

Love the hand made trellis-so neat!

greenfumb said...

8 vege beds - wow. You will be eating homegrown veg in no time. You might not need to work afterall :)