havent scrapped in ages but finally felt like it on thursday & completed a page in 30 minsmy SIL came over to play on saturday & i did 2 more pages.we have had all this warm weather so i put the summer sheets on the bed & put away most of the winter woollies. no idea what happened to the last post, must be lost in cyber land.my boys go on holidays at the end of this week :o) lov holidays, we have a couple of days planned & at least one day trip to the beach.todays pic is my thursday LO i did
so yesterday afternoon i got an email from SC they want one of my pages for "scrapbooking for beginners volume 4 special edition book" too cool :o) this will be my first page published so im a bit excited. well thats it got to go & get lunches ready & stuff
been busy doin this & that trying to catch up on all the stuff i have half finished & start a few new things. DH moved his computer down to the lounge room last week, it took me a few days but i have now taken over his desk, well just until he wants to move back up here with me again, that is. so now its full of cards & stamps, been stampin up a storm. lov my new stampin up stamps & have even been playin with some old ones ive not used in years. as for scrappin mmmm not much, i started an 8x8 holiday album 2 weeks ago & have completed 12 pages so far, i lov the small format cause its quick but i dont like it cause i can only fit a limited number of pics. i have decided to do a 6x6 album just on the War Memorial i think it needs its own story.i spent 3 hours yesterday sorting out swaps for a couple of different sites, will be very glad to get them all in the post this week i can tell ya.its been raining for days & days, i lov it everything is soo green & the smell in the air from all the blossom is just so sweet, makes you want to be out there all day long. the only draw back with all the rain is my laundry has become 'Washing Hill' its like we have been on holidays for 2 weeks & have empted out all our bags.so todays pic is sunrise from my front verandah