we had not looked for very long when we found the house we wanted, all the other stuff has taken for ever, real estates, solicitors, brokers, banks, RTA, births deaths & marriages, bad tenants. it has been a very stressful roller coaster ride or in my mind a night mare.
A & the boys lov the house but for me its all about the land, rows of fruit trees a chicken run & a humongous pine tree & not the straight up kind that reaches to the sky but the kind with the sprawling branches, that says sit beneath me with a good book lazing away a summers afternoon or my arms are strong hang a swing from me so you may feel the wind in your hair.
the land is large & the possibilities are endless, all the things i have dreamed of & more will come true, it just takes time oh & the dreaded money you always need & there is never quite enough of.
all the things that are swirling around in my head every day
the new kitchen A & i have designed, the second toilet, water tanks, veggie gardens, ducks, post & rail clothes line, green house, fully enclosed chicken yard, i know all of these things will happen :o)
at the moment its all like a dream to me, yes i am surrounded by boxes & cupboards are becoming empty. the time is ticking slowly by even tho i am at work 4 days {yes you heard right i am now working 4 days a week}.
by the first week in May the excitement will have hit me, it will be full steam ahead. we will settle on Tuesday 12, then with keys in hand, our new adventure will begin as home owners.
Property Summary: SOLD
Sally is getting big, in 2 weeks she will be 6 months old & going in to be desexed & then not long after off to training school, i will miss her when she is gone. i had no idea i would lov her so much when we brought her home but she has a place in all of our hearts even when she chews stuff & is naughty.
we also had some drama in the hen house, one of the Australorps died, she was flapping around in the run & then just dropped dead, the rooster came over & pecked her on the eye & then strutted off. no idea what happened or why she died but thats life i guess, also Mr rooster is gone & i wont say any more about that.
one of the RIR was broody for a few weeks but she has left the nest & the silver has taken over, i picked her up yesterday to find she is molting & has no feathers on her belly.
i do have 2 more silver Wyandottes on order just waiting till they are big enough to bring home.
one of the RIR was broody for a few weeks but she has left the nest & the silver has taken over, i picked her up yesterday to find she is molting & has no feathers on her belly.
i do have 2 more silver Wyandottes on order just waiting till they are big enough to bring home.